Daily Dose of mmm
Daily Dose of mmm is a network of restaurants where we utilize the latest technologies with an author’s approach to cooking dishes.

Design / Architecture | Yuriy Hlobchak, Yevhen Luchyk, Kateryna Stolyar, Bohdan Pryshlyak, Dmitry Vyshnevsky, Ilona Kurtseba, Anna Zhulyn |
Location | Ukraine, Lviv |
Photographer | Andriy Bezuglov |
Area | 520,23 m² |
Year | 2023 |
Currently, “Daily Dose of mmm,” created by us, is not just a space and tech restaurant but also an object with the highest number of hidden “Easter eggs” from our studio. Many people, ranging from designers to contractors, have put their work into this project. Thanks to the cohesive efforts of all the craftsmen, the restaurant is truly infused with a futuristic spirit.
Наразі “Daily Dose of mmm”, створений нами, є не тільки космічним та технологічним рестораном, а й об’єктом із найбільшою кількістю прихованих “пасхалок” від нашої студії. Багато людей, починаючи від дизайнерів і закінчуючи підрядниками, вклали свою роботу в цей проєкт. Завдяки згуртованій роботі всіх майстрів, ресторан по-справжньому пронизаний футуристичним духом.

The restaurant is located in Lviv at 62 T. Shevchenka Street in the new modern building ‘IT Shuttle.’ The style and space theme align with the overall concept of ‘IT Shuttle.

This is a large restaurant; the area of the first floor is 320.23 m², and the second floor covers an area of 200.00 m². The focal point of the space is the large monolithic spiral staircase leading to the second floor. The external perimeter of the stairs is decorated with mirrors, seamlessly transitioning into the enclosure volume of the second floor.

Easter Egg
Here you can admire the largest surface of the Moon and a three-meter-tall cosmonaut holding a pizza. On the floor, you will find encrypted text in Aurebesh alphabet (a fictional alphabet used to represent the basic galactic language in the ‘Star Wars’ franchise).

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