San Sebastian Cafe

San Sebastian Cafe – another establishment from Hamily Group. The name of the venue is derived from the city where they created an alternative to the American cheesecake – the Basque cheesecake. The warm atmosphere of the establishment is built around this dessert.

Design / Architecture Yuriy Hlobchak, Yevhen Luchyk, Dmitry Vyshnevsky, Bohdan Pryshlyak, Anna Zhulyn
Location Ukraine, Lviv
Area 48,65 m²
Year 2023


During the redesign and creation of the design, we aimed to preserve the unique atmosphere of the historical heritage. High ceilings, curved walls with old plasterwork, and distinctive doors were all taken into account in our project. Where possible, we restored the walls to their original state, sometimes revealing brickwork. We sought to convey the warmth and coziness of the city of San Sebastian with its Basque cheesecake, reflected in the interior through a warm color palette of orange and red tones, contrasting with green elements, warm wood, and parquet, set against stainless steel arches. Due to the limited space of the premises, we utilized many weathered mirrors and created a photo zone with antique details.

Під час перепланування та створення самого дизайну ми прагнули зберегти унікальну атмосферу історичного спадку. Високі стелі, криві стіни із старою штукатуркою, а також неповторні двері – все це було враховано у нашому проєкті. Де це було можливо, ми відновили стіни до їхнього первісного стану, іноді відкриваючи цеглу. Ми прагнули передати атмосферу тепла і затишку самого міста Сан-Себастьян з його баскським чизкейком, що відображено в інтер’єрі за допомогою теплої кольорової гами оранжевих та червоних відтінків, яка контрастує з зеленими елементами, теплим деревом та паркетом на контрасті з арками з нержавіючої сталі. У зв’язку з обмеженою площею приміщення, ми використали багато зістарених дзеркал та створили фотозону з антикварними деталями.

In the restroom, we aimed to bring forth an intriguing concept: on the left wall, a mural featuring two cupids, one with a bow and the other gesturing for quietness. On the right wall, there is a mirror with neon illumination outlining a heart struck by an arrow. Thus, when you gaze at yourself in the mirror, an image unfolds, depicting how these two mischievous cupids released a love arrow, hitting your heart directly, and they secretly celebrate this moment.


The cafe is situated within the architectural heritage of an ancient Austrian building, centrally located in Lviv on Krakivska Street, 20.


The premises of the establishment cover only 48.65 square meters, yet we managed to accommodate 24 seating places across two rooms. We preserved the authentic doors and windows, and the majority of the furniture was sourced and restored from antique markets. Additionally, we utilized individually crafted tiles using antique techniques, featuring a pattern reminiscent of a cheesecake.

Easter Egg

We aimed to capture the enchanting atmosphere of a Spanish city in every detail, selecting Cupid as the symbol of love to achieve this effect. Upon entering, you’ll notice these adorable love angels embodied in murals on the walls; two of them holding a ribbon with the inscription “Truth in Basque Cheesecakes.” The second hall is adorned with paintings of cupids, and on the ceiling, there are intricate paintings surrounding the chandelier, enhancing the overall atmosphere.


Yuriy Hlobchak
Yevhen Luchyk
director, architect
Dmitry Vyshnevsky
architect, interior designer
Bogdan Pryshliak
architect, interior designer
Anna Zhulyn
graphic designer

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