Green Garden
This is the third restaurant of the “Green Garden” franchise, where we made changes in the corporate style. If the previous restaurants were of the inexpensive segment, this one is higher in its class, accordingly, a new color scheme, new materials and forms were selected.

Design / Architecture | Yuriy Hlobchak, Roman Lopushanskiy |
Location | Ukraine, Lviv |
Photographer | Andrey Bezuglov |
Area | 232,5 m² |
Year | 2018 |
One of the difficult tasks for a designer when working on a project of restaurant is to create a stylish atmosphere that does not conflict with the cozy microclimate. Green garden is our vivid example of a combination of style and coziness. ⠀
The walls are decorated with dark matte paint with elements of artistic painting. Against the background of this combination are emerald accents in the furniture. Decor plays a significant role – framed photos, interesting vases, wooden figurines. They create a composition that visitors are interested in looking at. ⠀
Одне з непростих завдань дизайнера при роботі над проектом ресторану – створити стильну атмосферу, що не йде в розріз з затишним мікрокліматом. Green garden – наш яскравий приклад поєднання стилю та затишку. ⠀
Стіни оформленні темною матовою фарбою з елементами художнього розпису. На фоні цього поєднання смарагдові акценти у меблях. Значну роль відіграє декор – фото в рамочках, цікаві вази, дерев’яні статуетки. Вони створюють композицію, яку цікаво розглядати відвідувачам. ⠀

LED strips and muted light of a warm glow make the entire interior pleasant and cozy. One of the features is the decoration of the niche with wooden logs, which adds homely warmth to the restaurant. Green garden is an expression of harmony created by man and nature.
The restaurant is located in a cozy area of the center of Lviv on Rudanskyi Street, 1.

The main task is to properly organize the interior space, maximizing the area for seats, connect separate rooms and rationally use the height of about 5 meters.

A mezzanine was also installed above the bar, which allowed us to place additional seats.

Easter Egg
The mirrored ceiling gave us more light in the room. The walls were decorated with paintings in full height, squirrels, birds and shelves. All the decor creates a garden atmosphere.

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