Cozy apartment in the style of minimalism. The project is at the stage of implementation.

Design / Architecture | Yuriy Hlobchak, Natalia Fostyak |
Location | Ukraine, Lviv |
Area | 86,19 m² |
Year | 2021 |
The images show our new project in the style of minimalism. Here, natural materialism is combined with pastel colors, and rich red is used as an accent. Against the background of simple and clear forms, a quaint chair and unusual decor also stand out.
На зображеннях наш новий проєкт у стилі мінімалізм. Тут природні матеріали у поєднані з пастельними кольорами, а як акцент використано насичений червоний. На фоні простих і зрозумілих форм виділяється також чудернацьке крісло і незвичний декор.

We used the potential of the bedroom as much as possible and placed a separate full wardrobe and a dressing table area behind the partition. This made it possible to preserve the simplicity and elegance of the room and the aesthetics of this style.
The apartment is located in the residential complex “National” on Stryyska street in the city of Lviv.

A feature of this residential complex is a hinged facade with a view of the city.
Total area – 86.19 m², of which corridor – 11.24 m², bathroom – 3.77 m², utility room – 1.64 m², kitchen – 11.78 m², balcony – 5.62 m², nursery – 21 ,35 m², bedroom – 30.79 m²

Easter Egg
In this bedroom, there was an existing column, which was used as a TV stand, and a light was placed on top. Thanks to these simple solutions, the column harmoniously fit into the space.

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