A space office for cosmically cool employees of the Lviv IT company TechMagic.
Design / Architecture | Yuriy Hlobchak, Bogdan Pryshliak, Mayik Khrystyna, Yulia Bobryk, Anna Zhulyn |
Location | Ukraine, Lviv |
Photographer | Andriy Shustykevych |
Area | 591,16 m² |
Year | 2021 |
What makes an office cool? In fact, there are a lot of ingredients. And one of them is a play area. You ask why, if you have to work at work and there is no time for rest? We’ll say you’re wrong. It is impossible to be equally productive throughout the day without unloading. Good employers know this and care about their employees, providing areas where everyone can communicate and relax. This ensures stable work for results and a feeling of home in the office.
Що робить офіс класним? Насправді тут дуже багато складових. І один з них є – ігрова зона.Ви запитаєте чому, якщо на роботі потрібно працювати і немає часу на відпочинок? Ми скажемо, що ви помиляєтеся. Неможливо бути однаково продуктивним протягом дня без розгрузки. Хороші роботодавці про це знають і турбуються про своїх працівників, передбачаючи зони, де всі зможуть комунікувати і релаксувати. Це забезпечує стабільну роботу на результат і відчуття дому в офісі.
The kitchen is an integral part of a good office life. TechMagic has many employees, so the kitchen space is large and divided into 2 conventional zones. Also, an integral part of the previous office was a wall with cups of each employee, which perfectly fit into the new space.
The office is located in the new residential complex “National” on the top floor. There is a beautiful view of Lviv from the panoramic windows.
Our main task was to create a comfortable corporate space for work and rest. Provide the office with as many workplaces as possible, places for meetings and video calls. And also try to use the furniture from the previous office.
Easter Egg
As you have already noticed, we decided to make the office space space-like. Here each room has its own cosmic name of satellites, planets, and even famous characters from the Star Wars series. There are also cheerful cosmonauts everywhere.
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